
Please Note: we may change our policies at any time. While we will try to update this list within a reasonable time frame, this list may not always be totally up-to-date. 

  • Authorized Seller Program : The Authorized Seller Program applies to customers that purchase Allegion products directly from Allegion. This page contains the various Program terms, conditions and benefits. Contact your Allegion Sales Representative with any questions.
  •  Authorized Seller policies/documents:

                              - Authorized Seller Program / Programme destiné aux détaillants autorisés

                              - General Terms and Conditions / Conditions générales et modalités de vente et de service

                              - Allegion Quote Policy / Politique relative aux devis d’Allegion

                              - Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy / Politique de prix minimum annoncé d’Allegion

                              - Online Sales Policy / Demande et entente de vente en ligne destinée aux vendeurs autorisés


  • Authorized Reseller Program : The Authorized Reseller Program applies to customers that purchase Allegion products from an Allegion Authorized Seller and resells the Allegion products to other Authorized Resellers or to end users of the products. This page contains the various Program terms, conditions and benefits. Contact your Allegion Sales Representative with any questions. 

  • Authorized Reseller policies/documents:

                              - Authorized Reseller Program / Programme destiné aux revendeurs autorisés

                              - Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy / Politique de prix minimum annoncé d’Allegion

                              - Online Sales Policy / Demande et entente de vente en ligne destinée aux vendeurs autorisés


  • Authorized Retailer Program :The Authorized Retailer Program applies to customers that purchase Allegion products directly from Allegion and primarily resells such products to end users/consumers buying for personal use. This page contains the various Program terms, conditions and benefits. Contact your Allegion Sales Representative with any questions.
  • Authorized Retailer policies/documents:

                                  - Authorized Retailer Program / Programme destiné aux détaillants autorisés

                                  - Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy / Politique de prix minimum annoncé d’Allegion

                                 - Online Sales Policy / Demande et entente de vente en ligne destinée aux vendeurs autorisés